As most of you know I went on a trip to San Francisco last week to visit my good friend Allison. She was transferred there a year ago in August for a job. We had so much fun. I got there on Thursday night and we ate a quick bite and then went back to her house to drink wine, which by the way, is our favorite thing to do together!! Friday we got up and went to get dressed and much to our surprise it was sooooo hot outside. All that I brought to wear were layers(3/4 length shirts, jackets, and wraps). Needless to say, we spent all day Friday shopping for summer clothes that I didn't need because I had a closet full of them in Birmingham, but I didn't mind it. We found out after 2 hot days that this was record breaking temperatures for San Fran. It didn't stop us from having a good time though. We spent all day Saturday in Napa and were in heaven. Words can't describe how beautiful the place was. It was 10 times better than I could have ever imagined it being. Fritz is mine, Allison, Mindy, and Missy's favorite wine that we discovered at a restaurant in Birmingham. They only distribute to restaurants so it is really hard to get. This restaurant stopped carrying it so it has been a while since we have been able to get it. This was the first vineyard that we went to and it was great! If you are ever out looking for a good chardonnay try Fritz if they have it. It is a little bit on the buttery side(medium bodied as we later learned) and wonderful.

This is Allison and I at the Raumbauer Vineyard. We were told to go hear because this was the most buttery wine that they make, so we made a detour in our plan to taste this wine because at the time we thought that we loved buttery wines. Much to our disappointment we hated it. I guess it was a good thing because now we know exactly the kind of chardonnay that we like.

I just had to post this!! Allison and I rented this Go Car for a couple of hours on Sunday. It is the World's first GPS guided car tour. You tell the people what you would like to see and they set it up so that the car tells you what to do (where to turn, history, etc). It drives like a motorcycle and you drive it in the normal traffic (scary because San Fran is not an easy town to drive in). Allison let me drive since I had not driven in the city. We had a blast and got lots of different looks from people on the road.

This is a picture from the top of Lombard Street. This city was just gorgeous.

I had to include a picture of my little man. I missed him sooooo much!!! He had a great time with his Dad though. They did alot of guy things like yard work, sleeping in the same clothes all 3 nights, not bathing but once. All the things that guys do. I was a little disappointed when I got home though because my Momma's Boy had turned into a Daddy's boy and really didn't want anything to do with me until I started packing my suitcase. He eventually came back around though.