We had a very busy Thanksgiving Holiday. Jack and I headed to Mandeville the Thursday before Thanksgiving to have some time to visit with friends, family, and go on a few adventures. Friday Mom had a field trip with her students to The Audubon Zoo, so Jack and I drove across the lake and met them. He had an absolute blast.

We don't have elephants at our zoo, so that was one of his highlights of the trip to the zoo. He had a blast with Gigi and his best buddy, Ms. Sandoz.

Saturday we spent the day with Dad. We went to lunch, grocery store, cooked jambalaya, visited with one of my best friends Lindsay, and watched the worst game of LSU's season. It was a great day.
We shopped a little with Gigi on Sunday and Monday and then had a playdate my friends and their kids. It is so much fun to get together with the girls and all of the kiddos. I love to watch how much they have changed since the last time I have seen them. I just love that we have all been friends for so long and feel so fortunte to have those types of friendships in my life.
Lately, we have been adding some new babies to the group. Jack loves the babies. He had to take a break from playing to hold sweet Cecilia. He loved it.

Wednesday we headed to Baton Rouge to get started with the Thanksgiving festivities. My cousin has a Thanksgiving Eve party at his house each year. They cook oyster poboys and other delicious food and then prepare the stuffing for the turkey. It is a blast. I just love seeing and catching up with family that I don't see that often. This is a pic of 4 generations of Simons. This is not all of them, but the group that was there. From left: My Dad, cousin Chip, cousin Jay, cousin Anthony, cousin Brandon, Me, Paw Paw(Uncle Bob), cousin Angelle and cousin Antoine.

On Friday, we headed to Montegut to spend time with My Mom and Doug, My Grandma, Uncle Alan, new Brother and Sister in Law and nieces. We ate great food and watched an LSU game that came out with a W in the end!! Jack loved his cousin Shelby. Although she wasn't thrilled to have him hold her, he was so proud. I think that is a sign that he is ready for a sibling.
We got back late last night, took down Thanksgiving stuff and are ready to start decorating for Christmas. All in all we had a great trip home. I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!!