Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mother and Son Weekend

This weekend Brandon headed to a friends camp for a "work" weekend. Jack and I had a busy but relaxing weekend planned. Friday we went to dinner with my Sister and then he got to stay up late to watch The Princess and the Frog...great movie by the way, especially if you are from New Orleans...he is watching it for the 4th time. Saturday, his Aunt Nikki came and got him to go feed the ducks, play, and eat lunch at McDonald's while I got out with Sena and Robbie for a nice relaxing lunch. That afternoon we headed to our friend Lalah Peaglers 2nd birthday. Jack had a blast. On the way home from the party, Jack informs me that he would like a "brilled cheese"(grilled cheese) for dinner from the "brilled cheese" place, so that is where we headed. He directed me to Zoes and we had a great dinner outside. When I say directed, he literally told me how to get there from the backseat. "Mommy, go that way, no not that way, don't slow down(I didn't have a choice since there were 10 cars stopped in front of me, but explain that to an almost 3 year old), the light is red, go Mommy". As we pulled into the parking lot he said, "Mommy, you are going to park, we get out and then we go eat". He quite a boss these days, thinking that he is an adult.

Sorry I have no pics but I do have a few Jackisms that I would like to share:

*While at dinner he was observing what everyone around us was doing(he is so nosey). This couple and there son(probably aroudn 8 or 9) sat down across from us. The little boy had a fruit juice in a bottle that looked like beer. Jack starts yelling(understatement), "Mommy, wook, that boy has a beer". I wanted to crawl under the table in hide. In Louisiana that would be hilarious to everyone, but in Alabama you never know how that will be received. Luckily, they thought it was hilarious. We ate quickly and then left. I thought I had a couple more years before I had to worry about him saying inappropriate things in public, but I guess not.

*After dinner we went to Walmart to grab a few things. He always ask me if he has to get in the buggy(he hates it, as I'm sure most kids his age do). We were just grabbing 2 things so I told him "no, if he would stay right next to me and mind"(wishful thinking). Well, as we pulled into the parking lot he said "Mommy, Mommy, listen to me". I said, "I'm listening, Jack". He said, "You going to be a good girl in the store?" He listens to everything that I say to him.

*One more, before I forget. The other day I was cleaning up upstairs and stepped on a piece of plastic from one of his toys and cut my foot. At first I thought I may need stitches but wasn't sure because it was hard to see on the bottom of my toe. I hobbled downstairs to clean it off and get a band aid and Jack followed. I wanted to call Brandona and ask him what I should do, but I had left my cell phone upstairs, so I asked Jack if he would please go into my bedroom and bring me the phone(I love that he can do this now). He looked at me and said, "otay, you going to call the ambulance?" I said, "no buddy, I'm going to call Daddy". He said, "no you call the ambulance". I just agreed, so that he would go get me the phone. He brought me the phone and I called Brandon. Jack had walked into the living room and I thought was watching tv, but he was evesdropping on my conversation. He realized that I was on the phone with Daddy and not the ambulance and was not happy. He came running back into the kitchen and pointed at me and said, " no, no, I told you to call the ambulance". He was really upset, not that Mommy was hurt, but that the ambulance was not coming.

Sorry for the rambling, but I need to document these so that I can remember later and I thought ya'll would get a kick out of it. I hope everyone has had a great weekend like us!

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