Monday, August 18, 2008

Our last summer vacation

We had our last trip to the beach for this summer last week and what an eventful week it was. We went with my Dad, Kim, and Chloe and Skylar(Kim's Grandaughters). Kim's son Ronnie was able to come for the beginning of the week and Brandon came the last half of the week. It rained the entire beginning of the week every day all day. Not just rain showers, but hurricane type storms. Needless to say we were stuck indoors with 3 kids under 5 for 3 days. In the midst of all of the rain Jack didn't want to sleep at all Monday night. He was up from 11:15-3:00. I put him in my bed a few times thinking that he would lay down and go to sleep, but no he wanted to play. At one point he was bouncing around on the bed in the dark and went to reach for me but instead put his fingers in my eye. At first I thought it was no big deal until I realized that I couldn't open my right eye without an awful pain. My Dad took me to the doctor first thing that next morning for me to find out that Jack had scratched my eye pretty bad. My first thought was PATCH! I just knew that I was going to have to wear a patch all week, but the doctor was great and was able to put a contack lense that was a bandage on my eye. I had to back each day for him to look at it and by Friday he was able to take the lense off. My trip was not ruined. The sun came out on Thursday and Friday, so we stayed on the beach all day those 2 days. Jack was not sure about it the first day but by the second he loved it.
This is Jack and Skylar at Baytowne Wharf one night dancing with the band. They had a blast and were so cute!
Jack on the beach.

Jack was really into the band!

...and really wanted to participate. This lady was great and had lots of patience because Jack was not the only kid wanting to participate. She would get down and interact with them and they loved it.

One of the rainy days inside. Jack and Skylar were hanging out in the kitchen. I have no idea why!
We took the kids to The Track one afternoon that the rain cleared up. Jack had a blast walking around while the girls had fun riding all of the rides. Jack was big enough to ride the carousel with Cookie and they were also able to ride the really slow train.
Jack loved to get in the water with his Daddy. We were very lucky to not have alot of jellyfish like last time so the kids were able to get in the water a good bit. I even ventured out for a little while.
Jack loved to sit at the edge of the ocean and let the water come over him while digging in the sand.
This was one of the first times he realized that he could stand up and walk in the sand. How cute!

Although it did rain the first half of the trip we had a great time hanging out with everyone. We, especially Jack is really upset to be home. He had a great time with Chloe and Skylar and I think he is trying to figure out why they aren't here with him.


Tracy said...

Too CUTE! I swear he looks more like you every week. Ya'll won't think I'm so crazy in a year or two! Keep em coming!

monique said...

I can't believe you injured your eye! So sorry! At least it didn't ruin your trip...Jack looks like he's having a blast!!!! Can't wait to see him soon...

Also, LOVE the new blog background (you might have to show me how to do that :))