Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Monday at The Sellers

Jack and I had our normal Monday of grocery shopping and hanging out at home doing laundry and straightening up. We had a good time. As you can see from the pictures I got a little bored and pulled out the camera for a photo shoot. He is so much fun these days I don't feel that I am quick enough to capture all of the funny things that he does. In the pictures below he insisted on sitting on top of the towels from the second I took them out of the dryer in the laundry room, so I gave him a fun ride and carried him like this into the living room. He loved it and didn't want to get down.

He is starting to talk a little and say things like ball and juice. He has also become our "parrot". He tries to copy anything that you say and do and has become so smart. You can tell that he actually stops to think about things. Last night Brandon was sitting on the sofa with his legs propped up on the coffee table and Jack was next to him teasing Bella. Bella ran off to the kitchen trying to get away from him, but he wanted to go with her. Instead of standing at Brandon's legs until he moved them like he used to do he looked up at Brandon and then crawled under his legs. I was amazed that he actually thought about that.
He is constantly entertaining me and Brandon. This is a picture of him making a funny face when I told him to smile.
He now loves his rocker(thanks Aunt Mo). We were at Mimi's a couple of Sundays ago and she had Brandon and Nikki's old rocker out for Jack. I didn't think he would pay it much attention but I was wrong. He loved it. He would climb in it and turn around to face us and rock. When we got home that night I got his from the playroom upstairs and he sits in it all of the time. This is him having his snack in it yesterday while the 2 of us watched the season premiere of Oprah.
This is just a cute one that I took of him. I know he is faced the wrong way and can fall and hurt himself(Gigi and Mimi), but it made a cute picture. He did fall out backwards a few minutes after but got right up and tried again.

One quick update on school, for those of you that are wondering. He still can't make it past 11. 11 is really stretching it because he cries the whole time they said. Last week they could take him outside and he was fine until they came back in. Today they tried that and I think he outsmarted them and knew what they were doing so I had to go and pick him up. I am going to try it for one more week because his teachers say that sometimes it can take up to 3 weeks for them to get used to it. We will see.


monique said...

I'm so glad he likes his chair...he looks so cute in it! I can tell he is very entertaining. Just by looking at pictures, you can see his personality. I can't wait to see him again soon---it's been way too long! Love and miss ya'll!!!! "Aunt Mo"

Tracy said...

Whew wee! Bout time to cut that fro? Too cute!

Ashley, Brandon, Jack, and Millie Sellers said...

Sorry Tracy, but I am not cutting the fro anytime soon.