Sunday, October 18, 2009

Our Busy weekend...

We had a very busy and fun filled weekend. Brandon went hunting for the weekend, so Jack and I had lots of activities planned to keep us busy. Friday night we laid low and just hung around the house. Saturday Leeann and I took the Kids to Boo at the Zoo. They had a blast. I think Jack got a good idea of what Halloween was. He was so excited to be a "train abducter". As usual the first thing that we had to do was ride the train. He loved it. They decorate the main train route with ghosts, spiders, etc. to make it a "haunted halloween train". Jack loved all of the "itsy bitsy spiders" as he would call them. I was worried that he may get a little scared but he loved it.

After the train ride, the kids got to trick or treat. They have wooden houses lined up and the kids get to trick or treat. Jack was really cute. He told everyone thank you when they put candy in his pumpkin and even asked a few people for "another one please".

This was the best group picture I could get. I'm hoping that Leeann got a better one. There was so much going on that we couldn't get them to all look at once. Jack was being silly on the "haunted carousel". After the festivities at the zoo we took the kids to Davenports for some pizza. It was a great night!
Sunday, we went to church and then later in the afternoon we took Jack to see Seasame Street Live, When Elmo Grows Up. When I got the tickets I was really excited that we had gotten 6th row tickets, or so I thought. When we got there the lady directed us to our seats, on the SECOND ROW!! It was great. We weren't real sure how Jack would do, since he can't seem to sit still for 1 minute these days but he was mesmorized from the second Elmo stepped on stage.
Look at his reaction when Elmo first came onto stage....
He was up dancing and singing most of the time. It was well worth the money just to see him enjoy it.

I hope everyone else had a wonderful weekend as well!

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